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Honeydew Concierge is the brainchild of TJ Michels and was born out of a lifelong commitment to the two things she loves to help others achieve: justice and joy.


A Los Angeles native, TJ has called San Francisco her adopted home since 1999. Meaningful stretches brought her to Washington, DC and back to Southern California, but the 2010 purchase of a Mission District loft in a historic brick factory building cemented her long-term relationship with The City.


Honeydew's diverse client base -- Bay Area professionals, modern families, busy entrepreneurs, fellow small businesses and (figurative) rock stars -- are equally treated to a unique proposition: 


What if you could experience less daily stress not as the end game, but

rather the first milestone and means to living a truly sweeter life? 


More time, more peace of mind, more doing what you love, with whom you love are goals that TJ maps out with new clients and their families. But that can only begin with a powerful act of vulnerability, aka asking for help (H/T Brené Brown).


She knows this firsthand: Honeydew is TJ's second act, born out of her own experience with the weathering and withering consequences of a highly impactful but ultra-demanding career. For nearly two decades she led issue-based campaigns to enact economic, labor and environmental policies at every level of government to improve people’s lives. 


Progressive movement work was rich, rewarding and utterly taxing. Overdrive hustling between airports and both coasts took an irreversible toll on her marriage. Completing the tasks, errands and minutia of daily life competed with her time with family and friends. (Sound familiar?)


After much reflection following the 2016 election, she decided she needed a lifesaver. But to her own surprise, instead of hiring one, she felt a pull to become one, and began to draw up the blueprints for Honeydew Concierge. 


Today TJ and her whipsmart assistant Nichaele excel at helping clients thanks to the superpowers she honed in her prior career: strong organization and communication skills, savvy resourcefulness, smart networking and a stubborn resistance to taking no for an answer.


In her personal life, TJ loves seeing live music, the Golden State Warriors, beach adventures with her rascal chihuahua Radio, Pacific Northwest trips with her girlfriend Amanda, weekly calls with her very Jewish mother, making mixtapes for her chosen family and contributing to all things community.   


Honeydew Concierge is a hyperlocal, woman-and-queer owned small business that thrives on referrals and word-of-mouth. We work with CEOs, Founders and business entities. Individuals in tech, finance, creative and professional services. Exhausted parents of canines and humans. Who doesn't need a ninja personal assistant who doubles as a work-life balance cheerleader and sticky-situation fixer?




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